Page:Query in the Gospel Magazine for October M.DCC.LXXI (1783).pdf/7

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But, when our hair, in which lies all our perſonal ſtrength, is actually gone, and we feel ourſelves, in reality, within the power of the enemy, without the light of comfort, and incapable of delivering ourſelves, we ſhall then look to the Lord alone, from whom cometh our help; ſo that our very weakneſs is the foundation of all goſpel ſtrength and victory. But weakneſs can never be felt, unleſs we are called to ſuſtain hardſhips; and the ſtrength of our faith, hope, and charity, is tried to the utmoſt.

3dly, Whenever afflictions lead their ſubjects into a further knowledge of their own wretchedneſs, and total incapacity for either doing or bearing the will of God, without freſh communications from him, in whom it hath pleaſed the Father that all fulneſs ſhould dwell, I muſt conclude that they are ſanctified, and of real advantage. The leading deſign of the bleſſed goſpel, is to bring us to live on the grace that is in Chriſt, not on that which is from him, and in ourſelves: We ſhall never live upon the grace that is in Chriſt, till we are driven out of ourſelves. There is nothing will drive us out of ourſelves but ſoul-famine, a thorough ſenſe of the plague and pollution of our nature, and a total helpleſſneſs in ourſelves; nothing but afflictions in the hand of the Holy Ghoſt, will give theſe diſcoveries; and wherever theſe diſcoveries are made, and by what means ſoever they are made, it is clear that the means have been owned and ſanctified, ſo that great good is frequently received by afflictions. When the ſoul, with reſpect to comfort, may be ſaid to walk in darkneſs, and have no light, "Ephraim ſhall grow as the lily," the ſtrength and fertility of which lie all in the root. In winter the lily loſes all its beauty and fragrance, but nothing of it's fertility and excellence, thoſe are ſafe in the root.
