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professors in the country, they will be sure to take example by them, not considering that the hindmost lose the prize. It cost the foolish virgins dear for coming too late. They that were ready went in with him, and the door was shut Afterwards, mark! Afterwards came the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us! but he answered, depart, I know you not. Depart, lazy professors, cold professors? slothful professors. Oh, methinks the word of God is so plain for the overthrow of you lazy professors, that it is to be wondered men do take no more notice of it. How was Lot's wife served for running lazily, and so giving but one look behind her? It turned her into a pillar of salt? It made Judas hang himself? Yea, it will make thee curse the day on which thou wast born, if thou miss the kingdom, as thou wilt certainly do, if this be thy course.

(8.) How if thou, by thy lazy ruining, should not only destroy thyself, but be the cause of the damnation of some others? He is a professor, say they, and yet he seeks pleasures, profits, &c. and professes he is going to heaven; yea, he saith also, he does not fear but he shall have entertainment let us therefore keep pace with him, we shall fare no worse than he. Look to it, thou will have strength little enough to give account of the loss of thy own soul: thou needest have to give an account why thou didst stop others from entering it. How wilt thou answer that, "You would not enter in yourselves, and them that would you hindered? For that saying will be eminently fulfilled on them, that through their own idleness do keep themselves out of heaven, and by giving others the same example, hinder them also.