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evil and his angels:" there is their doom; and why? 'For I was an hungry, and ye gave me no eat; I was thirsty, and ye give me no drink.” dreadful sentence! every word whereof careth much terror in it, and breatheth nothing but fire and brimstone. What! must they depart om Christ, the fountain of bliss and happiness? And into everlasting fire? Ah wretches! cursed deed. For, as the Prophet speaketh, Isa. xxxiii. 4. 'Who can dwell with devouring fire, who an dwell with everlasting burnings?' An everlasting fever, or but an everlasting toothach, were misery unspeakable. But, what are these, to the lying in that lake which burneth with fire and brimstone to all eternity.

The misery of uncharitable persons appeareth in this, that the wants and necessities of the poor cry loud to heaven against them. God hath dealt bountifully with thee, loading thee with his benefits, and hath given thee not only food and raiment, things needful and necessary, but an abundance, an affluency of outward things, even all things richly to enjoy: but how many of Christ's ministers and members are in want, not having wherewithal to satisfy their own and children's hunger? whose miseries, like the blood of Abel, cry unto God for vengeance against thee, saying, Lord, there are not a few who have enough and to spare, a liberal portion of this world's goods, with Dives they fare sumptuously every dayː but what are we thy wanting servants the better for them? Who of us are warmed with their fires, or clothed with their raiment, or so much as partake of the crumbs of their table? We are ready to perish with want, when they are surfeited with