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(6.) They must run for it; because, perchance, the gates of heaven may be shut shortly. "I shut and no man can open." says Christ. If you should come but one quarter of an hour too late, I tell thee, it will cost thee an eternity to bewail thy misery in. Francis Spira can tell thee, what it is to stay till the gates of mercy be quite shut; or to run so lazily, that they be shut before thou get within them. What, to be shut out! What, out any of heaven! Sinner, rather than lose it, run for it.

Lastly, So run that thou mayes: obtain; because, if thou lose, thou losest soul, Christ, and heaven, &c. Besides, thou layest thyself open to the shame and reproach that God, Christ, saints, &c. can lay upon thee. All that go by will begin to mock at thee, saying, This man began to run well, but was not able to finish.


I. If thou wouldst so run, as to obtain the kingdom of heaven, get into the way. It is not simply the runner, nor yet the hasty runner, that winneth the crown, unless he be in the way that leads thereto. There is a great running to and fro, and yet every one is for his life, his soul. If you say, Which is the way? Jesus says, "I am the way;" &c. So then, thy business is, (if thou wouldst have salvation) to see if thou art planted in him, hast faith in him, so as to make a life out of him, and to conform thee to him. For the Lord's sake, take heed. Do not think, thou art in the way upon too slight grounds: for if thou