Page:Radek and Ransome on Russia (c1918).djvu/9

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bitter end in the name of the illusions on which they have fed their people, illusions about greatness, honor and glory, they show them the real objects for which they are fighting. We, as enemies of all imperialism, helped by our wounds, by our blood, by our humiliation at Brest-Litovsk, the toiling masses of Germany to understand how their government was deceiving them, when it talked about an honorable peace. And the blood which the soldiers of our revolutionary army, the sons of the toiling masses of Russia, shed in their fight with the Allied hirelings will be the best ink for our letters which will explain to them how their government is deceiving them. We are convinced that the workers of the Allied countries will understand us and will send us more powerful help than did President Wilson, to whom this pamphlet was addressed.

Karl Radek.

Moscow, Sept. 1918.