Page:Radiation Protection Act 2007.pdf/21

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NO. 27 OF 2007

Obligations of persons carrying out inspections

26.—(1) Every national inspector shall—

(a) carry his identification certificate issued by the Director-General under section 23; and
(b) produce his identification certificate to any person appearing to own, or be in control of, the premises entered—
(i) on entering the premises (if such a person is then present); or
(ii) at any reasonable time thereafter, if asked to do so by the person.

(2) Every national inspector shall—

(a) if, at any time between the time of entry of any premises to be inspected and the time the inspection is completed, there is no person appearing to own, or be in control of, the premises, as soon as is practicable after completing the inspection give the owner, occupier or person in control of the premises a written notice stating that the premises have been entered, and specifying the following matters:
(i) the time and date of entry;
(ii) the circumstances and purpose of entry; and
(iii) the name of every person entering;
(b) where applicable, have a warrant with him and produce it if required to do so; and
(c) where any matter, thing or document is taken, give the owner, occupier or person in control of the premises a written inventory thereof.


Power of arrest

27.—(1) An authorised officer may—