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aluminium or mica of ·01 cms. or a sheet of ordinary writing-paper is sufficient to absorb completely all the α rays. With such a screen over the active material, the effects are due only to the β and γ rays, which pass through with a very slight absorption. Most of the β rays are absorbed in 5 mms. of aluminium or 2 mms. of lead. The radiation passing through such screens consists very largely of the γ rays. As a rough working rule, it may be taken that a thickness of matter required to absorb any type of rays is inversely proportional to the density of the substance, i.e. the absorption is proportional to the density. This rule holds approximately for light substances, but, in heavy substances like mercury and lead, the radiations are about twice as readily absorbed as the density rule would lead us to expect.


The β or Cathodic Rays.

75. Discovery of the β rays. A discovery which gave a great impetus to the study of the radiations from active bodies was made in 1899, almost simultaneously in Germany, France, and Austria. It was observed that preparations of radium gave out some rays which were deviable by a magnetic field, and very similar in character to the cathode rays produced in a vacuum tube. The observation of Elster and Geitel that a magnetic field altered the conductivity produced in air by radium rays, led Giesel[1] to examine the effect of a magnetic field on the radiations. In his experiments, the radio-active preparation was placed in a small vessel between the poles of an electromagnet. The vessel was arranged to give a pencil of rays which was approximately perpendicular to the field. The rays caused a small fluorescent patch on the screen. On exciting the electromagnet, the fluorescent zone was observed to broaden out on one side. On reversing the field, the extension of the zone was in the opposite direction. The deviation of the rays thus indicated was in the same direction and of the same order of magnitude as that for cathode rays.

S. Meyer and Schweidler[2] also obtained similar results. They

  1. Giesel, Annal. d. Phys. 69, p. 834, 1899.
  2. Meyer and Schweidler, Phys. Zeit. 1, pp. 90, 113, 1899.