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The discharge due to the natural ionization of the air in the electroscope was first observed. The additional ionization due to the active substance must be that produced by rays which have passed through the lead plate and the walls of the electroscope. The following table shows that the discharge due to these rays decreases approximately according to an exponential law with the thickness of lead traversed.

Thickness of lead Rate of discharge
 ·62 cms. 100
  " + ·64 cms. 67
  " + 2·86 " 23
  " + 5·08 " 8

Using 100 grs. of uranium and thorium, the discharge due to the rays through 1 cm. of lead was quite appreciable, and readily measured. The results showed that the amount of γ rays was about the same for equal weights of thorium and uranium oxides. The penetrating power was also about the same as for the radium rays.

Fig. 44.