tarii vel plures ex axillis foliorum; colore rubido obscuro vel luteo; calyx deciduus in fructibus maturis.
This proposed new genus consisting of 3 species peculiar to the dry sections of Hawaii and Maui. is nearest to Hibiscus from which it differs in its quite different flowers, deciduous calyx and woody capsule. All three species are exceedingly rare, only solitary trees being found in the various type localities, with exception of Hibiscadelphus Hualalaiensis of which several trees were found at Puuwaawaa and Waihou forest, on the western slope of Mt. Hualalai.
Hibiscadelphus Giffardianus Rock sp. n.
Arbor 7 m alta, truncus 0.3 m diam. cortice albineo glabrato, ramis robustis teretis; foliis longe petiolatis, orbiculatis rustice acuminatis basi cordatis, tomento stellato utrinque indutis; palmato —septemnervatis, cum glandibus hispidis in angulis nervorum; stipulis parvis, triangulatis caducis; floribus solitariis vel pluribus, bracteolis 5-7 linearibus liberis; calyce saccato profunde et inaequaliter 2-3-fido, lobis acuminatis, extus pilis stellatis induto, intus glabro; corolla convoluta inflexa dependente in pedicellis 2 cm-3 cm longis; petalis erectis obliquis oblongis, apice acutis 5 cm-6 cm longis, partibus petalorum expositis pilis stellatis dense punctulatis; columna staminea petalis longiore, ad basin hispida, tubo costato tractu longo filamentis longis affixis; ovario glabro; stigmatibus capitatis; capsula lignea 4 cm- 5 cm x 2 cm-2.5 cm, pro genere maxima, oblonga, rugosa extus pilis stellatis luteis induta; endocarpio chartaceo splendente tomentuloso, seminibus magnis lanatis.
In archipelagi Hawaiiensis insula Hawaii: J. F. Rock leg. in declivibus montis Mauna Loa orientem versus 4300 pedes's. m. fr. et fl. Aprilis et Jun. a. 1911.
A tree 7 m high with a trunk of 0.3 m in diam., bark smooth fibrous, whitish, branches terete, glabrous covered with leaf scars; leaves on long petioles orbicular—cordate bluntly acute at the apex 12-15 cm each way, unevenly crenate, papery, covered on both sides with a stellate tomentum, palmately 7-nerved, with hispid glands in the angles of ribs and veins on both sides; stipules small, triangular caducous; flowers solitary or several on the axils of the leaves on the ends of the branches; bracteoles 5-7,