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Page:Radlkofer and Rock - New and Noteworthy Hawaiian Plants.djvu/16

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very narrow, 2 cm long, free; calyx saccate, as long as the bracteoles, deeply and unevenly 2-3 cleft, lobes acuminate, many nerved, yellowish-green outside, with stellate hairs, glabrous inside; corolla convolute, curved, only the very apex slightly opening, not spreading as in Hibiscus, dependent on pedicells of 2-3 cm, petals erect 5-6 cm long, acute at the apex, oblique, oblong, deep magenta inside, grey with a stellate, hispid tomentum on the exposed parts, especially on the prominent nerves; staminal column one-third longer than the petals, with numerous long filaments on nearly half its length, hispid at the base; style branches sub-erect 5 mm hispid; stigmas flesh-colored; capsule woody oblong 4-5 cm x 2-2.5 cm broadest at the base tapering towards the apex, rugose covered with stellate hispid hairs; the calyx and bracteoles deciduous in mature fruits, endocarp chartaceous shining glabrous; seeds large 7-10 mm reniform covered with a whitish grey wool.

The type material (No. 8773 Herbar. Board of Agriculture and Forestry, T. H.) was collected in April, 1911, in company with Mr. W. M. Giffard of Honolulu, who was the first to introduce many beautiful varieties of Hibiscus into the Territory and in whose honor the plant is named. Only one tree was found on the eastern slope of Mauna Loa at Puaulu on the land of Keauhou a few miles from Kilauea Volcano, at an elevation of 4300 feet T within the area of the proposed National Park.

Hibiscadclphus Wilderianus Rock sp. n.

Arbor 5 m, trunco erecto; foliis orbiculatis vel trilobatis cordatis, apice acutis, in petiolis stramineis 7-10 cm longis, palmatoquinque- rarius septemnervatis, supra puberulis subtus pilis minutis stellatis inspersis, nervis prominentibus hispidis; stipulis parvis subulatis puberulis; floribus solitariis in pedicellis 4 cm longis; bracteolis linearis 2 cm longis, uninerviatis liberis; calyce saccato inaequilatero trilobate, extus hirsuto intus puberulo, lobis acuminatis; (flores aperti ignoti). Petalis luteis in gemma; capsula ovoidea 3.5 cm x 3 cm, nigranta tuberculata, stellato-hispida lignosa.

In insula Maui; J. F. Rock leg. in declivibus mentis Haleakala meridiem versus Nov. a. 1910.