Page:Ragged Trousered Philanthropists.djvu/120

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The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists

'Could you do anything like that in that room?'

'Yes, I think so,' replied Owen.

'Well, you know, I don't want you to start on the job and not be able to finish it. Can you do it or not?'

Rushton felt sure that Owen could do it, and was very desirous that he should undertake it, but he did not want him to know that. He wished to convey the impression that he was almost indifferent whether Owen did the work or not. In fact he wished to seem to be conferring a favour upon him by procuring him such a nice job as this.

'I'll tell you what I can do,' Owen replied; 'I can make you a water-colour sketch—a design—and if you think it good enough of course I can reproduce it on the ceiling and the walls, and I can let you know, within a little, how long it will take.'

Rushton appeared to reflect. Owen stood examining the photograph, and began to feel an intense desire to do the work.

Rushton shook his head dubiously.

'If I let you spend a lot of time over the sketches and then Mr Sweater does not approve of your design, where do I come in?'

'Well, suppose we put it like this: I'll draw the design at home, in the evenings—in my own time. If it's accepted I'll charge you for the time I've spent upon it. If it's not suitable I won't charge the time at all.'

Rushton brightened up considerably. 'All right, you can do so,' he said with an affectation of good nature. 'But you mustn't pile it on too thick, in any case, you know, because, as I said before, 'e don't want to spend too much money on it. In fact, if it's goin' to cost a great deal 'e simply won't 'ave it done at all.'

Rushton knew Owen well enough to be sure that no consideration of time or pains would prevent him from putting the very best that was in him into this work. He knew that if the man did the room at all there was no likelihood of his scamping it for the sake of getting it done quickly; and for that matter Rushton did not wish him to hurry over it. But he was anxious to impress upon Owen that he must not charge too much time. Any profit that could be made out of the job Rushton meant to secure for himself.

'When do you think you'll have the drawings ready?' enquired Rushton. 'Can you get them done to-night?'