Page:Railways Act 1921 (ukpga 19210055 en).pdf/23

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[Ch. 55.]
Railways Act, 1921
[11 & 12 Geo 5.]

the tribunal and shall be paid out of the said sum of five hundred thousand pounds.

Power of constituent companies to lease redeemable debenture stock

13.—(1)It shall be lawful for any constituent company and, with the consent of the constituent companies in the group, for any subsidiary company, prior to amalgamation under this Act, with the sanction of the Minister, and notwithstanding any limitation on the powers of borrowing of the company, to borrow on mortgage of its undertaking by means of terminable securities to such amount, at such rate of interest, redeemable within such period, and subject to such conditions as the Minister may sanction, with the consent of the majority in amount of the proprietors and of the holders of the existing mortgage securities of the company, at special meetings called for the purpose, but the amount so borrowed shall in no case exceed one-eighth of the existing mortgage securities of that company.

(2) The constituent companies in any group may, in like manner and subject to the like, conditions, guarantee any such securities issued by any one or more of them, or by any-one or more subsidiary companies in the group.

(3) Where a scheme of amalgamation or absorption has been referred to or is being prepared or has been confirmed or settled by the amalgamation tribunal, the powers under this section shall not be exercised by any constituent or subsidiary company affected by the scheme without the consent of the amalgamation tribunal.

Railway Clearing House

14.—(1) An amalgamated company shall, for the purposes of the Railway Clearing House and the Acts relating thereto, be deemed to be a party to the clearing system in place of the constituent and subsidiary companies from which it was formed.

(2) The Railway Clearing House may submit to the amalgamation tribunal and the amalgamation tribunal shall settle a scheme to effect such alterations of the Acts and regulations applicable to the Railway Clearing House as may be rendered necessary by reason of the constitution of amalgamated companies.

(3) The provisions of this Part of this Act applicable to an amalgamation scheme when settled by the amalgamation tribunal shall apply to a scheme under this section.