Page:Railways Act 1921 (ukpga 19210055 en).pdf/25

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[Ch. 55.]
Railways Act, 1921
[11 & 12 Geo 5.]

Provided further that the powers under this sub-section shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any other existing powers of requiring measures for securing the safety of the public or the provision of reasonable facilities.

(2) The Minister may, after such reference as is hereinafter mentioned, by order require or authorise any railway company or any two or more railway companies on such terms and subject to such conditions as may be specified in the order—

(a) to conform gradually to measures of general standardisation of ways, plant and equipment (including methods of electrical operation, type, frequency, and pressure of current);

(b) to adopt schemes for the co-operative working or common user of rolling stock, workshops, manufactories, plant and other facilities.

Provided that—

(i) it shall not. be necessary to make such a reference as aforesaid if the company or all the companies affected by the order consent thereto; and

(ii) if on any such application to enforce the order is hereinafter mentioned any company satisfies the Railway and Canal Commission that the 'order is such that the capital expenditure involved cannot be provided or expended without prejudicially affecting the interests of the then existing stockholders, the order shall not be enforceable as against that as company.

(3) Before making any order under the last foregoing subsection the Minister shall (except as here in before provided) refer the draft order to a committee consisting of a representative of each of the amalgamated companies (each of which companies shall, on being so required by the Minister, nominate a representative), and three persons of experience in the subject-matter of the proposed order selected by the Minister from the panel set up under section twenty-three of the Ministry of Transport Act, 1919, as extended by this Act, and the committee