Page:Railways Act 1921 (ukpga 19210055 en).pdf/29

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[Ch. 55.]
Railways Act, 1921
[11 & 12 Geo 5.]

(2) Any such remuneration and any other expenses of the rates tribunal incurred in the exercise and performance of their powers and duties shall be defrayed by the Minister out of moneys provided by Parliament, but, so far as the aforesaid expenses are not met out of the amount recovered by way of fees, they shall, on demand, be repaid to the Minister by the amalgamated companies as part of their working expenses in such proportions as the rates tribunal may determine.


22.—(1) The rates tribunal may, from time to time, with the approval of the Lord Chancellor, the Lord President of the Court of Session, and the Minister, make general rules governing their procedure and practice and generally for carrying into effect their duties and powers under this Part of this Act, and such rules may, amongst other things, provide for—

(a) the awarding of costs by the tribunal, but so that in proceedings before the rates tribunal at the instance of any company or person, other than disputes between two or more railway companies, the tribunal shall not have power to award costs unless they are of opinion that either the application or claim or complaint or defence or objection, as the case may be, is frivolous and vexatious;

(b) the reference of any question to a member or officer of the tribunal, or any other person appointed by them, for report after holding a local inquiry;

(c) the number of members of the tribunal to constitute a quorum;

(d) enabling the tribunal to dispose of any proceedings before them, notwithstanding that in the course of the proceedings there has been a change in the persons sitting as members of the tribunal;

(e) the right of audience before the tribunal, provided that any party shall be entitled to be heard in person, or by a representative in the employment of the party duly authorised in writing, or by counsel or solicitor;