Page:Railways Act 1921 (ukpga 19210055 en).pdf/37

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[Ch. 55.]
Railways Act, 1921
[11 & 12 Geo 5.]

(b) have been continued by agreement in writing between the railway company and the trader concerned or, failing agreement, have been notified in writing to the secretary of the railway company by the trader with a request that they should be referred to the rates tribunal for determination by them, in which case the rates shall continue until determined by the rates tribunal, and the onus of proving that any such rates should be altered, or discontinued shall be upon the railway company;

so nevertheless that no rate which has not been applied to the, charging of merchandise actually forwarded within the two years preceding the first day of January, nineteen hundred and twenty-three, shall be continued unless the trader can prove to the satisfaction of the,railway company or, failing agreement with the railway company, to the satisfaction of the rates tribunal—

(i) that its non-application is solely due to abnormal conditions of trade; or

(ii) that a rate of equal amount to the same destination remains in operation at other stations or sidings in the same group or area

Provided that, if the trader and the railway company agree to continue any rate which will be more than forty per cent. below the standard rate chargeable as aforesaid, the rate shall, before the appointed day, be referred to the rates tribunal, and, if so referred, shall continue until the tribunal have determined the matter.

(2) Any such agreement or determination may provide for the continuance of any exceptional rate at the same or any higher figure or charge, not being, in the case of an agreement between a railway company and a trader, less than five per cent. nor more than forty per cent below the standard rate chargeable, and for a specified period of time.

New exceptional rates.

37.—(1) On and after the appointed day an amalgamated company or a railway company to which a exceptional schedule of standard charges has been applied shall be rates at liberty to grant new exceptional rates in respect of the carriage of any merchandise, which rates shall within fourteen days, or such longer period as the Minister may