Page:Railways Act 1921 (ukpga 19210055 en).pdf/54

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[Ch. 55.]
Railways Act, 1921
[11 & 12 Geo 5.]

(4) When fixing the charges necessary to produce the standard revenue, the tribunal shall take into consideration the charges in respect of any business carried on by the company ancillary or subsidiary to its railways, the charges for which are not subject to the jurisdiction of the tribunal, and if in the opinion of the tribunal the company is not making, or has not taken reasonable steps to enable it to make, adequate charges in respect of any such business, the tribunal shall, in fixing the charges under this Part of this Act, take into account the revenue which would be produced by any such business if adequate charges were in operation.

Periodical review of standard charges and exceptional rates.

59.—(1) The rates,tribunal shall review the standard charges and exceptional charges of each amalgamated company at the end of the first complete financial year after the appointed day, or, if the appointed day is the first day of January in any year, at the end of that year, and, unless directions. are.-given by the Minister to the contrary in manner hereinafter appearing, at the end of each succeeding year, and the review shall be made on the experience of the operation of those charges for the period during which the standard charges have been in operation, or, if that period is more than three years, then on the experience of the operation of those charges during the preceding three years.

(2) The Minister may direct as respects any year after the second annual review that a review shall not be held, and the directions may extend either to all the amalgamated' companies or to any one or more of those companies:

Provided that no such direction shall extend to any company which has applied to the Minister for a review, or in respect of which the Board of Trade on the application of any representative body of traders have requested that a review shall be held.

(3) If on any such review the rates tribunal find that the net revenue or the average annual net revenue obtained, or which could, with efficient and economic management, have been obtained, by the company during the period on the experience of which the review is based is substantially in excess of the standard revenue of the company, with such allowance (if any) as appears to the tribunal necessary to remunerate adequately any additional capital which may have been raised or provided in respect of expenditure on capital account incurred since the