Page:Railways Act 1921 (ukpga 19210055 en).pdf/56

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[Ch. 55.]
Railways Act, 1921
[11 & 12 Geo 5.]

Provided that, if at any time after such an excess has been found, the standard charges and exceptional charges are modified in pursuance of subsection (4) of this section on account of a deficiency, no such substitution shall be made until an excess above the standard revenue together with the allowance (if any) for additional capital is again found.

(6) The rates tribunal, when modifying charges on any such review, shall have regard to the like considerations as when fixing charges in the first instance:

Provided that the tribunal shall have regard to the financial results obtained from the operation of any ancillary or subsidiary business carried on by the company, and if satisfied that the net revenue resulting therefrom is, having regard to all the circumstances, unduly low, may, for the purpose of such review, make such deductions from the charges which would otherwise have been fixed as they think proper.

(7) The modifications of standard charges and exceptional charges made in pursuance of this section shall take effect as from the first day of July in the year following the last year under review or such other date as the rates tribunal may fix,

Transitory Provisions.

Transitory provisions as to charges generally.

60. A constituent, subsidiary, or amalgamated company, or any railway company which is liable to have applied to it a schedule of standard charges shall, notwithstanding anything contained in any special or general Act or in any agreement, be entitled till the appointed day to make such charges in connexion with the carriage of merchandise and passengers or otherwise as were in force as respects the railway on the fifteenth day of August, nineteen hundred and twenty-one; or, where no such charges were in force on that date, then such reasonable charges as shall, in case of difference, be determined by the rates tribunal:

Provided that at any time after the said fifteenth day of August, and before the appointed day,

(i) any representative body of traders may apply to the rates tribunal to reduce the aforesaid charges or any of them;