Page:Railways Act 1921 (ukpga 19210055 en).pdf/60

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[Ch. 55.]
Railways Act, 1921
[11 & 12 Geo 5.]

Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, and two by the Railway Clerks' Association;

(b) the National Wages Board shall be composed of six representatives of the railway companies, who shall be appointed by the railway companies, six representatives of the railway employees (two of whom shall be appointed by the National Union of Railwaymen, two by the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, and two by the Railway Clerks' Association), and four representatives of the users of railways, with an independent chairman nominated by the Minister of Labour. The four representatives of the users of railways shall be nominated as follows.:—

  • One by the Parliamentary Committee of the Trades Union Congress;
  • One by the Co-operative Union;
  • One by the Association of British Chambers of Commerce; and
  • One by the Federation of British Industries.

(2) Nothing in the constitution of either such Board shall be held to prejudice the right of any party to a reference to the Board to raise any point they may consider relevant to the issue, and any point so raised shall be taken into consideration by the Board.

Power to make schemes.

65. For the purpose of giving effect to the foregoing provisions of this Part of this Act, and. in particular for the purpose of defining the constitution and functions of such councils as aforesaid, schemes shall be made and may, from time to time, be varied by a committee consisting of six representatives of the General Managers' Committee of the Railway Clearing House and six representatives of the National Union of Railwaymen, the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, and the Railway Clerks' Association.

Such schemes may be determined by twelve months' notice by either side of such committee, but such notice shall not be given before the first day of January, nineteen hundred and twenty-three.