Page:Railways Act 1921 (ukpga 19210055 en).pdf/76

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[Ch. 55.]
Railways Act, 1921
[11 & 12 Geo 5.]
1. 2. 3.
Groups. Constituent Companies. Subsiduary Companies.
2. The North Eastern, and East Scottish Group — Cont.

Railway Company ; the North Lindsey Light Railways Company ; the Nottingham and Grantham Railway and Canal Company ; the Nottingham Joint Station Committee ; the Nottingham Suburban Railway Company ; the Seaforth and Sefton Junction Railway Company ; the Sheffield District Railway Company ; the South Yorkshire Junction Railway Company ; the Stamford and Essendine Railway Company ; the West Riding Railway Committee.


Part I.
Board of Directors of Amalgamated Company
First Year

1. For the period commencing on the date when the amalgamation scheme comes into operation and ending on the date of the general meeting of the amalgamated company in the following year, the company shall be directed by a board consisting of such number of persons as may be fixed by the scheme elected by the proprietors of the several constituent companies not exceeding, in the case of the North Western Midland and West Scottish Group, and the North Eastern Eastern and East Scottish Group, twenty-eight, in the case of the Western Group, twenty-five, and in the case of the Southern Group, twenty-one.

2. Before the date when the amalgamation scheme comes into operation the proprietors of each constituent company shall elect from amongst the directors of the company holding office at the time such number as may be fixed by the scheme to serve as directors of amalgamated companies as aforesaid.

  1. The printed version contained cross-references to Sections Sections 3 & 8. of the Act at this point