Page:Railways Act 1921 (ukpga 19210055 en).pdf/8

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[Ch. 55.]
Railways Act, 1921
[11 & 12 Geo 5.]

special reasons the amalgamation tribunal think fit, ten years, of the winding up of a constituent company with or without any change in the name of the company in order to enable such company to continue to exist for the purpose of receiving and holding any securities of the amalgamated company for the benefit of any class or classes of the holders of any loan or share capital of the constituent company or of any company the interest or dividends of which are guaranteed by or secured on the revenues of the constituent company, according to their respective rights and interests in pursuance of and in accordance with any arrangement which may be approved by the amalgamation tribunal and included in the scheme, and during such postponement of winding up a constituent company shall cease to be a railway company within the meaning of section two hundred and sixty-seven of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908[1] but any securities of the constituent company, which are at the date of amalgamation securities in which trustees are by law entitled to invest trust funds, shall continue to be such securities.

(2) With respect to the Western group the following provision shall have effect.

(a)The amalgamation scheme shall provide for constituting the Great Western Railway Company the amalgamated company, and for amalgamating therewith the other constituent companies in the group;

(b)For the purposes aforesaid; the scheme may provide for increasing all or any of the existing classes of loan and share capital of the Great Western Railway Company, or creating new classes of loan or share capital of that company, with such rights, priorities, and conditions as may be specified in the scheme, and for allocating to the holders of the loan and share capital of the other constituent companies additional and new capital of the Great Western Railway Company so created to such amounts and in such manner as may be provided by the scheme;

(c)Notwithstanding anything in any special Act, affecting the Great Western Railway Company,
  1. 8 Edw.7.c. 60