Page:Ramakrishna - His Life and Sayings.djvu/124

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36. As water when congealed becomes ice, so the visible form of the Almighty is the materialised manifestation of the all-pervading formless Brahman. It may be called, in fact, Sat-it-inanda solidified. As the ice, being part and parcel of the water, remains in the water for a time and afterwards melts in it, so the Personal God is part and parcel of the Impersonal He rises from the Impersonal, remains there, and ultimately merges into it and dis- appears.

37. His name is Intelligence; His abode is Intelligence too, and He, the Lord, is Intelligence Himself,

38. Two are the occasions when the Lord smiles. First, when brothers remove the chains which partition off the family property, saying, 'This is mine and that is thine;' and secondly, when the patient is on the point of death, and the physician says, 'I will cure him.'

39. Lunatics, drunkards, and -children sometimes give out the truth unconsciously, as if inspired by Heaven.

40. The sun is many times larger than the earth, but owing to the great distance it appears like a small disk. So the Lord is infinitely great, but owing to our being too far from Him we fall very, very short of comprehending His real greatness.

41. Knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or uncon- sciously, in whatever state we utter His nam^ we acquire the merit of such utterance. A man who voluntarily goes into a river and bathes therein gets the benefit of the bath ;