Page:Ramakrishna - His Life and Sayings.djvu/178

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wilt be cared for; come along.' The cobbler replied, Reverend Sir, I am of the lowest caste, how can I repre- sent your servant?' The priest said, 'Never mind that. Do not tell anybody what thou art, nor speak to or make acquaintance with any one.' The cobbler agreed At twilight, while the priest was sitting at prayers in the house of his disciple, another Brihman came and addressed the priesfs servant, 'Fellow, go and bring my shoes from there.' The servant, true to the words of his master, made no response. The Brihman repeated the order a second time, but the servant remained silent The .Brihman repeated it again and again, but the cobbler moved not an inch. At last, getting annoyed, the Brihman angrily said,

  • Hallo Sirrah ! How darest thou not obey a Brihman's

command ! What is thy caste ? Art thou not a cobbler ? ' The cobbler hearing this began to tremble with fear, and piteously looking at the priest said, *O venerable Sir, O venerable Sir ! I am found out. I cannot stay here any longer, let me flee.' So saying he took to his heels.

278. What is the relation between Civitman and Paramitman, the personal and the Highest Self?

As when a plank of wood is stretched across a current of water, the water seems to be divided into two, so the indivisible appears divided into two by limitations (Upidhi) of M&yi. In truth they are one and the same.

279. There is little chance of a ship running astray, so long as its compass points towards the true North. So if the mind of man the compass-needle of the ship of life