Page:Rambling boy with the answer (1).pdf/2

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I Am a rake and a rambling boy.
I’m lately come from Auchnacloy;
A rambling boy although I be,
I'll forſake them all and go with thee.

My father promis’d me houſes and land.
If I would be at his command ;
At his command, love, I ne’er will be ;
I’ll forſake them all love and go with thee.

For houſes and land they are but a plot,
Houſes and land I do value not;
For houſes and garden I will provide,
And have my darling down by my ſide.

Well doth he know I can ſhape and few,
Well doth he know I can bake and brew,
I can waſh his linen and dreſs them fine.
And yet he’s gone and left me behind,

O Willie Baillie ye told me lies,
You’d build me caſtles up to the ſkies,
And every river ſhould have a brigg.
And every finger a fine gold ring.

O Billy, I love thee well,
I love thee better than tongue can tell
I love thee well though I dare not ſhow it,
My deareſt dear, let no man know it.