Page:Rambling boy with the answer (1).pdf/5

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May the winds and waves direct you,
to the willful port deſign'd;
Tho' you leave me, do not grieve me,
let your love be as true as mine.

For ail my father he proves cruel,
you to lea muſt go once more:
With true love l will requite you,
none but you I do adore.

Frightful dreams doth oft affright me,
when on my bed l ſlumb’ring lie;
Dreadful horrors doth ſurpriſe me,
when I dream you're caſt away.

Then I'm ſtarted, and wake ſurpriſed,
wiſhing that you were in my arms,
I would careſs you, and embrace you,
for to free you from all harms.

Sometimes my dear, in fatal battle,
my thoughts give me that you’re ſlain,
So then there’s nothing that can eafſ me,
but my ſailor’s return again

The New Way of Admiral BENBOW.

COME all you ſeamen bold,
Lend an ear, lend an ear.
Come all you ſeamen bold lend an ear,
'Tis of our Admiral’s fame.
Brave Benbow call’d by name,
How he fought on the main
You ſhall hear, you ſhall hear.
How he fought on the main, you ſhall hear.