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Where Wentworth he did try,
Thoſe Cowards that did fly,
And from the French in fright
Turned tail, turned tail.
And from the French in fright, turned tail.

And thoſe found moſt to blame,
They were ſhot, they were ſhot,
And thoſe found moſt to blame, they were
Brave Benbow then at laſt, (ſhot.
For grief of what was paft,
In a fever dy’d at laſt
By hard lot, by hard lot,
In a fever dy’d at hit, by hard lot.


CYMTHIA frowns whene'er l woo her,
Yet ſhe’s vex'd if I give over.
Much ſhe fears I ſlould undo her,
But much more to loſe her lover;
Thus in doubting ſhe refuſes,
And not winning thus ſhe loſes.

Prithee. Cynthia, look behind you.
Age and wrinkles will o'ertake you;
Then too late, deſire will'find you.
When the power muſt forſake you.
Think upon the ſad condition
To be paſt, yet wiſh fruition.


Printed by J. & M. ROBERTSON, Saltmarket, 1803.