Page:Randall Parrish--My Lady of the South.djvu/270

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another bunch of those fellowt are marching this way, and may show up at any minute. Are you lads ready for a scrap?"

Their faces, as well as voices, answered.

"You could count on the Third Ohio, sir, if you was goin' ter charge hell," said the Corporal, hit eyes blazing. "Was you goin' to leave the four at the windows?"

"Yes; order them to stay there and keep up their fire, until we come around and attack the bunch in front. Then have them throw open the door and join us. Are you boys ready?"

"All ready, sir; all ready," the tones eager and expectant, the grimy hands hard on the brown carbine barrels.

"Then come on by twos; Masterson, take the rear."

As I turned to step upon the stair above, two shots suddenly rang out in the upper hall, the sharp reports those of a revolver. Jean! It must be Jean! I leaped forward, the men racing at my heels.

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