it is as certainly true as truth itself! They cannot see these splendid things, because their visual range is groundy, while these lofty truths are at their base anchored in the substance of the human soul, and held there by a cable, Love, whose other end girdles the Infinite God!
Man deals with masses; woman with individuals; and the Great One deals with, protects, comforts, solaces, and, through pure love alone, redeems both. Would that these revealments might reach every human heart, even though mine own is aching and breaking the while.
XCIX. Said Lewis Kirk, "An ounce of heaven, a pound of hell, makes life. Not many ever experience mental pain—mind-suffering—in its keenest sense. Financial trouble!—Pshaw!—is nothing!" and as times go, the first statement is correct; for none but those who are conscious of soul, can experience soul-pangs;—and it is these who turn in any direction for relief, and fall victims to the abominable quackery of the would-be world-reformers,—a class which sprung into notice with Fourier and Graham, and which, since the advent of Spiritualism, has increased to an alarming extent all over this land. Their hobby is "Sexism,"—a thing of whose basic principles they are as ignorant as they are of who built Baalbec. These tramps scour the country, victimize honest men's wives and daughters; and even have the effrontery to enforce their odious embraces upon decent women, on the infamous and filtiry plea that they, the lady-victims, require a change of magnetism—forsooth!—which change themselves are the very ones to triumphantly effect. Hoodwinked by psychologic power, deluded by specious sophistry, anxious for relief, ready to make any sacrifice to obtain it, women, by hundreds, fall into the accursed net, and are ruined; for no matter how secret the deed may be, her soul knows the fact, feels the weight, and suffers untold agony in consequence, and all because of salacious wretches who ought to swing by their heels, if not by their necks, at the nearest tree. I can have some pity for those who fall for lack of strength to resist temptation; but none for those who ruin by a "medical theory!" These people find a woman ill with gravid uterus, leucorrhœa, or ulcerated vagina or womb, whereupon