and to it should he be relegated. But a civilized man of such views and practice is not sane; for he gives incontestable proof of being the victim of chronic prostatic inflammation, undoubtedly of Onanistic, but more likely of Pederastic origin; and thus being sexually mad, is a semi-responsible cerebro-prostatic maniac, to whom the universe appears as one grand discus or yoni and himself the aspiring priapic-phallic godling!
But there! I have done with him; this thing named Moses Hull, having thus handed him and his ilk down the ages, and that's enough! That crime, and the other, child-rape—which latter I call Dentonism—after the most wretched and contemptible thing that ever wore the semblance of a man,—Hull excepted,—I regard as the worst that ever existed within the confines of civilization, and in calling the attention of the public, but especially legislators, thereto, I amply redeem my promise, and have fully paid my little Bill!
I never did, by speech or pen, advocate any of the peculiar social theories broached and ventilated in that, or any similar conclave—for reasons already herein and elsewhere set forth in my various writings: and yet, because I held my peace upon the main questions at issue, and in spite of the fact, I was held to have sanctioned and fully endorsed all the radical utterances there made; to have upheld what I have fought all my life long,—the total abrogation of all marriage; and to have espoused the doctrine of connubial hand-fastening, or temporary marriages, and I know not what else of absurdity the foes of Fair play and Free discussion chose to invent and fashion in fantastic garb out of whole cloth to suit their own peculiar fancies. As I suffered by distortion, so did others, and yet the sun actually rose next day!
Love's Alchemy—The Marrow; Res gestæ; Summing up.
CVIII. Human marriage, being triplicate,—material, mental, emotional,—has three offices, clear and distinct. 1st. Its functions are humanizing and perpetuating; 2d. They are refining, elevating, a means of soul-growth; and, 3d. The purpose it serves is a mystic one, for beyond all doubt the ultimate of the human is deific—a