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Page:Randolph, Paschal Beverly; Eulis! the history of love.djvu/162

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Affectional Alchemy.

her vow, is bound to culture and accord. Otherwise their union is but a mockery and a sham.

She who habitually fails in that wifely duty helps to support the females who occupy the palaces of sin—and gin, to whose society her husband is, as "they say." driven by her coldness. The strange woman at least simulates accord; while the honorable wife expresses frigidity, horror, indifference, or disgust: neither of which arc well calculated to keep a man in good training for his constant combat with the world!

I hold him not a good man who ever seeks what can never be sanctioned except by mutual love; for it is a profanation of the divinest sanctities of the human soul; and he is a poor specimen of a man who can seek solace in a cyprian's arms, or revel in passional debauch bought with current coin either in or out of wedlock; for nothing but Love can ever justify an act which may launch an immortal soul into being. Under these holy conditions marriage generates glorious thoughts, noble resolve, courage to endure; gives a better zest of, and hold on, life, fortune, goodness, God!

Under the false condition every participant rests on the edge of Hades, ready to roll off into it at any moment; and if there is an especial curse, they deserve it who, with their eves open, as mine now are, and for some time have been,—violate that sacred law. That and "Variety" are death to true affection, and also destructive of the power and ability to experience any but coarse and gross emotion; besides brutalizing human nature, destroying nobleness of character, they totally unfit us to become parents of pure children and good ones; but only of such as. born of passion, shall rush on passion-tides adown the stream of life, cursing their progenitors at every inch of the dreadful way! But true love, thank Heaven! antagonizes, and finally destroys, lurid, baneful lust. The twain are incompatible; but the angel slays the fiend whenever they meet in combat on anything like even terms. Thank God for that again! So be it forever!

CXLV. There are too many million outrages inside, as well as without, the pale of matrimony; but these wont be. when both sides understand and obey the law which underlies human nature every-