CXLVI. Couples fail in being happy or rendering each other so, from muscular flabbiness, and consequent pulpiness of brain. Now if they will but lift all they can, gradually increasing the weight of the bags of sand, or whatever else it may be, five minutes before retiring, and two on arising, while in night-dress, ovarian, uterine, vaginal, kidney, bladder, testicular, and prostatic weaknesses will vanish like mists before the morning sun; and with the increase of muscular strength will come an accrement of Love and its cognates, thus dispensing with the aphrodisiacs now so largely used. In three months this course will revolutionize a household. Because it will give the soul a better vehicle to operate through; clear the channels of the body; remedy constitutional weakness; prevent and cure Embolism—the great impotence-creator, and will give a prolonged lease of life and all its nobler pleasures.
CXLVII. Love-starvation is a terrible thing to endure, but one which is not at all necessary; for by posing the soul for a mate or a love;—by willing and decreeing it as a system, the love-power will go out from you and centre on your adaptation, just as surely as that you make and persevere in the effort. The same principle applied to amative disorders will repair the impairment.
CXLVIII. Accursed forever must he, she. or they be, who counsel either conjugal frauds, condanuism, or any other destructive social abomination. They are seldom anything else than murderous. They lead to abortion, that is murder; and its perpetrators, nonprofessional, should be paraded through the streets on a mule's back, placarded "Abortionists!" while the professional baby-killers should swing by the neck to the nearest tree or lamp-post!
Another class of wretches need legal attending to. I refer to the makers and advertisers of peculiar stimulants, because they are compounded of villainous drugs, which agitate for a while, but are dead-sure to land the takers upon the bleak shores of sterility and hopeless impotence. There are cases wherein sex-tonics, invigorants, and direct aphrodisiac agents are absolutely essential to the restoration of amative and general health, but such are incapable of harming even a child, because their action is tonic and constitutional, and not sudden, fiery, lust-begetting, and destructive.