lesson was a terrible one; taught us the folly of unjust suspicion, and to ask pardon, while extending charity—of all. to all, and to ask it, too, of that good and compassionate Lord whose chastening hand had brought us face to face with truth and human duty, until at last the glorified beings flitting by that way peered into our humble rooms, beheld us there on bended knee,—contrite souls pleading for full redemption, and, turning their holy gaze heaven-ward again, they sent a message home to God:—"Behold! They Reason justly!" Reader, go thou and do likewise!
Moral!—1st. Never let your love be drawn out till you are sure it is right that it should be. 2d. If you are magnetic, take care to restrain its flow, and do not allow yourself to permit it to saturate a vampire, and then fall in "Love" with your own spheral emanation. 3d. Pray for deliverance all the time, else embodied and viewless leeches will sap your body and soul to the very lees, and then laugh at you when the certain Horror comes! 4th. Trust no one who seeks to separate you from your mate. 5th. Bear and forbear, give and forgive, and trust ye each other. 6th. Never be jealous, no matter what the proofs be, so long as your two bodily eyes do not saction it. Remember my Lesson! 7th. Fulfil the part of husband and wife as if both stood on the verge of death; so shall ye be holy, pure, and fully, truly Human!
Upon good physical conditions, soundness, health, normal play of electric, nervous, magnetic, and passional forces, depends, unquestionably, much of the weal or woe. happiness or misery, sanity or insanity, attendant upon us in our journey through life. An experience of many years, in many lands, has familiarized me with all methods extant for creating the best conditions of vital health; combating obscure diseases of the nervo-vital organization, and for overcoming the effects of both excess and violated natural law. That experience, travel, experiment, and observation enabled me to not only found, but firmly establish a New System of Medicine, embracing all that is good of Homœopathy, Water Cure, Magnetics, and a dozen other methods. I am nearly at the end of my career as a practical Physician, but desire that my methods and systems may survive to bless and relieve mankind, when my body shall rest beneath the hillside, and my weary soul shall sweetly sleep near