ies of Love." Talk about Novels and Romance! Why they are tame nothings beside this man's life and career. It reads like a romance. The strange oaths of the Rosicrucians regarding all females. Extraordinary comparison between Agapism and Free-Love! The Rosecross initiation,—the officiating girls—and what they do. "Doctor" BAY and his "BUG" theory! "When the Band Begins to Play!" What was said concerning Randolph's Book about Love and Women, Affection, the Sexes, Attractions, Vampirisms, Infatuations, Friendship, Passion, Beauty, Heart, Soul, Lost Love, Dead Affection, and its resurrective law, True and False Marriage.
One of the first writers in the country, when asked his opinion of the MSS. from which it was printed exclaimed: "All I can say to the people of America is Buy the Book! Price only 75 cents! and that will tell the whole strange story!"