and the love borne on it, is one of the most powerful instrumentalities on earth. Witness the many undoubted cures of disease effected by those who go about laying on of hands; for although some of them are charlatans, yet others are not, in proof of which behold the results following their practice. But wives and husbands neglect this matter, and suffer in consequence. People find one another growing cool—from causes already set forth herein,—and instead of checking that coolness, by trying to, they fly off at a tangent, set up a domestic growlery, create innumerable excuses for a fuss; grow sullen, morose; and contrive, by every earthly means, to render matters ten times worse than ever; when a timely and persistent resort to the aid of the great magnetic law would speedily correct all the trouble, which, in married life, nine times in ten, originates either in outside or inside magnetic exhaustion; or in domestic passional satiety, and excessive nervous waste, which creates disgust on one side, antipathy on the other, with a grilling fire of discontent beween the two. Now this, to some, may be an unpalatable truth, yet true nevertheless. And here, as well as anywhere else, let me say further, that a fair share of obedience to the supreme law of cleanliness, sunshine and ventilation, will go a great way toward preventing magnetic exhaustion, and put a stop to that same satiety and disgust, with all their attendant and overcrowning horripilances. Some people bathe too often, and I have seen those whom I did not believe had bathed five times in sixty years.
If a wife finds her husband growing cool, let her attend to her dress, manner; smiles instead of frowns; sugar, not salt; honey, not vinegar; and place her will steadily, strongly, persistently, upon him, at the same time sending forth her woman's love, sympathy, and magnetic force of magnetic love. The man don't live who can resist it! His love will revive just as surely as that heaven exists. But she cannot work this magic charm in anger, jealousy or indifference. Let her remember this, for it is the grand true secret of fascination—was learned from the birds, and has worked miracles in human life. The same principle obtains among unwedded lovers!