glories they beheld and conceived, and which they confounded with, or to he the very God, was but the dark shadow shielding him from view in the penetralia of mystery! Man, not God, is concentrated, focalized fire,—a condensation and crystallization of God's Nervous Fluid; and even thing, especially the human soul, is a form of that fire. But man, as we know him here, is not the only self-consciousness in being; nor is this the best or worst of worlds. There are, and the Ærial spaces abound with, multiform intelligences, having their conscious origin in Æthereal realms, as we have ours in matter. But as the divine Fire is the base of all alike; and as love and inter-fusion is the destiny of all, it follows that there is one common point where the sub-human, human, and ultra-human can contact each other and meet; and this point is that of interblending, for that one point everywhere, and in all things, is the only one thing common to all which exist as living entities anywhere.
It follows again that the higher the motives urging us when that universal duty is accomplished, the more powerful is the prayer it really is; the higher it reaches; the more it brings us en rapport with the blessed ones of the purer Æth, and the greater rain of goodness, power, health, life, mystic enjoyment, and all possible good it calls down upon our heads to saturate our souls. But there are grades of these ultra-human orders, towering away from our place and position in the eternal scale, in series vast, inconceivable, of Orders, Societies, Grades, Hierarchies, to an unimaginable Eterne: and other series descending to an equally unimaginable deep of the opposites of what we call goodness; and these, too, meet us on one common ground as the others; and can and do, when we give lust the rein, instead of love, ascend from the depths to us. and infuse us with strange ills and evils. The White Magic, which I here reveal, teaches how to rapport the good. The Black Magic of Africa and America (Voudooism) rapports us with the denizens of hell; and crime and wretchedness as surely flow out from the one affiliation, as the good flows forth from the other. I have made this revelation here, because it will do good, and afford a new held for the explorations of such as are interested in solving the tremendous problem of evil, its nature and origin.