and highly cultured or not. Now it is possible for a man to grow fat who is lean, or lean who is fat, by pursuing steadily Bantingism—I believe they call it—or its opposite, as the case may demand; and I know that a lean soul can also grow fat, and non-magnetic people reverse their states. The mode I have already herein pointed out, hence need not again recur to.
XLV. Do not forget that herein and elsewhere I have declared the great truth that true manhood and womanhood are more or less en rapport with one or more of the upper hierarchies of Intelligent Potentialities, earth-born and not earth-born. I believe there are means whereby a person may become associated with, and receive instruction from, them. More than that, I believe in what I may call will-magnets, or talismans; that it is possible to construct and wear them, and that they emit a peculiar light, discernible across the gulfs of space by those intelligent powers, just as we discern a diamond across a play-house; that such are signals to the beholders; and that they will, and do, cross the chasmal steeps to save, succor, and assist the wearers, just as a good brother here flies to the relief of him who shall give the grand hailing-signs of distress. This is provable.
This grand mystery of the will, properly cultured, is the highest aid to man, for it is a divine Energos, white, pure magic, the miracle-working potentiality which cometh only to the free and wholly unshackled human soul; while to woman it is the only salvation from marital vampyrism, the shield and buckler of her power, and the groundwork upon which must be builded the real rule of her influence in the world and at home. The reasons why will be readily seen by recurring to the basic propositions of the divine science, which declares that God, the soul of the universe, is positive heat, celestial fire; that the aura of Deity (God-od) is love, the prime element of all power, the external fire-sphere, the informing and formative pulse of matter. The deduction is crystalline; for it follows that whoso hath most love—whether its expression be coarse or fine, cultured or rude—hath, therefore, most of God in him or her; the element of time being competent to the perfecting of all refining influences, over the ocean of Death, if not