Asheboro NC
Monday, March 14, 2016
- The fluoride rinse program started two weeks ago with Randolph County Schools and begins this week with Asheboro City Schools – the program will run through the end of the year. Sealants program is scheduled for Teachey Elementary the week of April 14-22. Mrs. Hayes reminded the board that these programs are being funded by an Oral Health Partnership Grant of $12,000. Dr. Hill stated that soda usage among kids is a real problem. Mrs. Hayes made mention that the health department offers a lot of dental education in the community and in schools.
- Flu season peaked in February at the end of week eight and numbers are decreasing in week nine of the flu season. Dr. Hill asked if anyone has died in Randolph County from the flu this season. Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Rash stated that no deaths from the flu have occurred in Randolph County to date.
- Mrs. Hayes informed the board of recent staff changes. John Jeffries, Animal Control Supervisor, resigned effective March 4, 2016. Wesley Vann, Lead Animal Control Officer, was promoted to AC Supervisor effective March 16, 2016. MiMi Cooper is temporarily working at the animal shelter to assist in the transition of staff. Mrs. Hayes mentioned that the general clinic is now fully staff with three RN’s in training.
- Discussions with architects regarding animal shelter renovations will be held in April.
- Mrs. Hayes made note that she will attend the Health Director’s legal conference on April 19-20, 2016. She also mentioned that board members are welcome to attend health director’s conferences.