Page:Raymond Spears--Diamond Tolls.djvu/132

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pink like her, and she had me muttoned before I knew it. Well, you wait. I don't know what your game is, but——"

"I'm on the level with you," Urleigh declared. "I'm a newspaperman. I'm just down the river, that's all."

"Yes? Oh, I know—say, there's things I'd like to know, too."

"What, for instance?"

"Was that straight, in the papers: did a man name of Goles go into his shop on Maiden Lane, in New York, with old Wrest's sparklers?"

"You mean that diamond salesman who turned up missing?"

"That's the one—travelled for Ofsten & Groner. Papers had a lot about it. I happened to notice—I was wondering. That was a big haul if he got away with a hundred thousand. I was wondering if he carried them back, the way they said. I mean Wrest's——"

"Yes, he went away with a hundred thousand in diamonds and some rubies. He carried back the diamonds Judge C. Wrest of Warsaw was robbed of. They couldn't dope it out."

"How the devil could anybody dope it out?" Gost exclaimed. "You know that made me feel d—d funny myself!"