Page:Raymond Spears--Diamond Tolls.djvu/252

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"Yes," she declared, adding: "then there's a pack of bills—I—I found them with the diamonds."

"A pack of bills?" Urleigh asked, eagerly.

"Yes—about five thousand dollars!"

"Ah-h-h!" Urleigh gasped with delight. "That shows—that shows that part of it! Dan went down and sold them to old Judge Wrest! Lord, but he was a nervy crook!"

"And Old Mississip' got him at last!" Delia suggested.

"That's right!" Urleigh repHed. "It gets us all."

"We'll wrap them all up in envelopes; I'm afraid they'll be all scratched, carrying them loose that way!" Delia suggested.

The three sat down at the table and began to fold the gems into little envelopes. A stranger occupation was never seen on Old Mississip'—but a thousand groups as strange have been down that way!

"You'll take them, won't you?" Delia asked again, "you'll take them to—the firm?"

"On one condition," Urleigh said.

"And that?" she let her eyes fall under his meaning look.

"Who are you?"

"No one—in particular," she shook her head.

"But I know you," he protested. "I've seen—heard you somewhere?"