Page:Raymond Spears--Diamond Tolls.djvu/254

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if you'd forgotten them in that pump-well. I didn't care," Murdong declared, with a touch of defiance in his tone, "I thought I'd keep them for you."

"You're a dear," Delia laughed. "I thought—I knew you would. When I remembered it all—I knew."

They drifted on down the river to Vicksburg, where they landed in. By that time some other matters had been decided.

"It's no place for a lady to be alone—I mean in one way it isn't," Murdong had declared, and Delia had admitted it.

"But if she's married," Murdong said—"now if you'd marry me?"

Urleigh saw them married, and they saw him off on the train. Then they returned to their boats, and drifted down the Yazoo into the big river again, and around the bend toward Palmyra cut-off.

When Urleigh arrived in Cincinnati he called on Manager Grost.

"Hello, boy!" Grost cried. "Say, we've solved that diamond mystery!"

"So?" Urleigh exclaimed. "Am I in time to write it?"

"Just in time. You know Goles, the agent? Well, we found him. It was just luck. He wanders into a hospital here, and says his head hurts. Well, I