Page:Raymond Spears--Diamond Tolls.djvu/96

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die with a lie on his conscience. You'd better tell the truth, you know. You're just a cheap pirate and sneak thief, aren't you? What's your name?"

"Yas, suh. Storit, suh. You'll hear. I was rich, but a feller belted me——"

"You have a boat of your own somewhere along here?"

"Yas, suh."

"Where's your partner?"

"I—they ketched him to Cairo."

"Oh, chain gang, eh?"

"Yes, suh. He'll be down in three months."

"From when?"

"October 10."

"Where'll you meet him?"


"What kind of a boat do you live in?"

"Tar house, suh."

"Slide that revolver, holster, and your belt under my canvas there. Careful you don't get the revolver out of the holster, and don't drop it!"

The man did as bidden.

"Well, I guess I won't kill you till morning, now," Murdong remarked, meditatively, and then with decision, "I think I'll kill you down below, somewhere, if I should happen to meet you anywhere. Let me see that face of yours!"