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Grimalkin, Mrs. Petlove's favourite cat, died some days ago of shortness of breath, proceeding partly from old age, and partly from fat. As she felt her end approaching, she called her children to her, and spoke as follows:—

“Before I leave this world, I shall relate to you the principal events of my life, as the variety of scenes I have gone through may afford you some instruction for avoiding those dangers to which our species are particularly exposed.

"I was born at a farm-house in a village some miles hence; and almost as soon as I came into the world, I was very near leaving it again. My mother brought five of us at a litter; and as the people of the house only kept cats to be useful, and were already sufficiently stocked, we were immediately doomed to be drowned; and accordingly a boy was ordered to take us all, and throw us into the horse-pond. This he did, with the pleasure boys often take in acts of cruelty, and we were presently set a-swimming. While we were struggling for life, a little girl came running to the pond-side, and begged that she might save one of us, and bring it up for her own. After some dispute, her request was granted, and the boy, reaching out his arm, took hold of me, who was luckily nearest him, and brought me out. I was laid on the grass, and it was some time before I recovered. The girl then restored me to my mother, who was overjoyed to get again one of her little ones; and, for fear of another mischance, she took me in her mouth to a dark hole, where she kept me till I could see, and was able to run by her side. As soon as I came to light again, my little mistress took possession of me, and tended me very carefully. Her fondness, indeed, was sometimes troublesome; as she pinched my sides with carrying me, and once or twice hurt me a good deal by letting me fall. Soon, however, I became strong and active, and played and gamboled all day long, to the great delight of my mistress and her companions.