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and I certainly have no disposition to pay any less than my share."

"Well, Judge, your Honour," said Mr. Ryan, "that is a sentiment very befitting your Honour. Now I'll just be after goin' over and lookin' at those houses of Jerry's, and then I'll come back and look at yours."

I watched them as they went over to the other houses; then I saw them go up the street a way and down the street a way, looking us carefully over from every possible viewpoint. When they came in they wore a very judicial aspect and I expected to see taxes go up with one wild leap.

"Well, Judge, your Honour," began Mr. Ryan, "I think you're givin' yourself unnecessary concern. We assess houses for what they're worth and not for what they cost. While your house no doubt suits your taste, it has a peculiar architectural style that wouldn't please very many people, and certainly it ain't to compare with those houses of Jerry's. There's a modern polish about those houses that will rent, Judge, your Honour."

My son Robert was born in this house on McMillan Street in September, 1889. In the following February an interruption occurred in our peaceful existence which was welcome at least to me. President Harrison offered the appointment of Solicitor General of the United States to Mr. Taft and he, with a few regretful glances at his beloved Bench, accepted it. I think that once again it was Major Butterworth who suggested my husband's name to the appointing power. I was very glad because it gave Mr. Taft an opportunity for exactly the kind of work I wished him to do; work in which his own initiative and originality would be exercised and developed. I looked forward with interest, moreover, to a few years in Washington.

Mr. Taft made his first official arrival in Washington alone. My baby, Robert, was only six months old and I concluded to remain in Cincinnati until my husband could