Page:Records of Woman.pdf/128

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"Bertha! where art thou?—Speak, oh! speak, my own!"
    Alas! unconscious of her pangs the while,
The gentle girl, in fear's cold grasp alone,
    Powerless hath sunk within the blazing pile;
A young bright form, deck'd gloriously for death,
With flowers all shrinking from the flame's fierce breath!

But oh! thy strength, deep love!—there is no power
    To stay the mother from that rolling grave,
Tho' fast on high the fiery volumes tower,
    And forth, like banners, from each lattice wave;
Back, back she rushes thro' a host combined—
Mighty is anguish, with affection twined!

And what bold step may follow, midst the roar
    Of the red billows, o'er their prey that rise?
None!—Courage there stood still—and never more
    Did those fair forms emerge on human eyes!