The Swell Spoon
We had another drink.
She put her glass down, licked her lips, and said:
"If stirring things up is your system, I've got a swell spoon for you. Did you ever hear of Noonan's brother Tim, the one who committed suicide out at Mock Lake a couple of years ago?"
"You wouldn't have heard much good. Anyway, he didn't commit suicide. Max killed him "
"For God's sake wake up. This I'm giving you is real. Noonan was like a father to Tim. Take the proof to him and he'll be after Max like nobody's business. That's what you want, isn't it?"
"We've got proof?"
"Two people got to Tim before he died, and he told them Max had done it. They're both still in town, though one won't live a lot longer. How's that?"
She looked as if she were telling the truth, though with women, especially blue-eyed women, that doesn't always mean anything.
"Let's listen to the rest of it," I said. "I like details and things."