mire him. There was no question about that. And, she was a handsome fox herself, although not as beautiful as Fluffy; her ears were shorter, her head was a little chunkier and her face was covered with long coarse hairs, but her coat was very beautiful, and she was such a friendly little creature and Redcoat was so lonely.
So little by little his prejudice was worn away, and Blue Lady won her way first into his confidence and then into his affection.
The first day of his captivity Redcoat had been amazed at the lack of fear of men among these domestic foxes. They did not seem to understand that men were their very worst enemies; that they were continually plotting against their lives with traps, poison, thunder sticks and dogs; but instead they ate the food which tasted so strongly of man scent and freely drank the water that the men placed in the water dish. Not only that, but some of them would stand upon their hind legs and take raisins from the man's hand. Redcoat was horrified on the third day when he saw Blue Lady eating