Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/132

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First kiss'd the virgin sun, ere sin had cast Its baleful blight on this sublunar sphere, And now the first salute the virgin star. This star the Magi saw, who oft had heard The fame, which he of Beor sounded long, That when its beams the plains of Kedem gild, Should rise in Jacob of a Virgin born, Spotless and pure, a Son, destined to change The face of nature, peace restore, and cast O'er sin's dark confines the primeval day. Such was the fame in Iran, long before By Zoroaster taught, by these believed ; Believed, and now pursued, for soon begirt, Sandal'd, with staff in hand, and royal gifts Prepared, the Magians take their westward way, To pay their homage to the new-born Child. The fires of Belus, on his crumbling tower, Burn'd sinister as pass'd the Magi on ; But, not the portent heeding, they intent Urged their way through Chaldea's palmy plains ; Then left the land of dates, the desert sands Of Araby to try ; their starry guide, Meanwhile, refulgent shining on their way. So glow'd the burning bush that Moses saw ; So o'er the wastes of Mara and of Zin, The pillar of fire, Israel's marshal'd hosts, From Zephon led into the promised land ; And so the hand of God them leads, who seek The way of truth and holiness to know. Not less ignescent gleam'd th' unwonted orb, Labent along the deserts trackless path, And gently o'er their heads diffused its light.

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