Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/148

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Unfold as well within this calm retreat,

And Nazareth's cot, as midst the haunts

Of treach'rous, sinful men ? Beside me here,

Thy life would easy flow, peaceful mature,

And at its close, in good old age, thou mightst

Descend by easy footsteps to the tomb.

Within, serenity and peace abide,

Without, abhorr'd abomination dwells,

Sin, misery, and desolation reign.

And if, as oft thou'st said, thy blood must flow,

A free-will ofFring to redeem the world,

E'en this extreme of need hath been fulfill'd,

In thy submission to Mosaic law.

And who shall say one drop, one precious drop,

Of blood so rich, were not of ample worth

T' elute the sins of e'en ten thousand worlds."

So she, in fond illusion of the mind ; He, to the Mother of sorrows, thus replied :

" Daughter of God, Mother beloved of mine, Thy slightest wish is law to me, thy Son; Nor is it now, nor shall be ever heard, That I to thy requests have turn'd deaf ear. Thou know'st me as I am, cloth'd with thy flesh, Thy stainless blood infusing all my veins, Yet, God the Father's sole begotten One, Lent, as thou say'st, a little while to thee, But destined to accomplish what thou know'st. Attend me now, and if what I disclose, Be not sufficient to induce accord, And hold thee with me in redemption's plan, (Not yet full well perhaps conceived by thee,) Thou shalt enjoin me then somewhat more fit.

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