Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/159

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That in the name of Jesus all should bow, Each tongue confess, in heaven, earth, and hell. Him shall ye hear, through him, to me approach, By whom alone salvation is conferr'd; For under heav'n no other name than His, To man is giv'n, whereby he may be saved. In him my soul delights, and who would love The Father, first must love the Son, nor hope, Save in his love, e'er to draw near my throne. Him shall ye hear, believe, and him obey, Who will my mysteries to you unfold, The myst'ries of my providence to man; The way of peace disclose, the way to heav'n, To present, and to everlasting joy; Joy, which no eye hath seen, no ear hath heard, Nor hath it enter'd into heart of man. Such is my sole Begotten, well Beloved; Who him attend shall also be my sons, Adoptive sons and heirs, though now condemn'd, And subject made to Death, through mortal sin. To these I'll manifest myself, will love, And he will love, and they and we be one." [dispersed, Here ceased the Voice, the awe-struck crowds When by the Spirit led, the new Baptized, Towards the wilderness directs his way. Dismal the road the lab'ring Godman trod, Through where Engaddi's waste leads to that sea, Which Death, on hov'ring pinions, dark o'ershades ; Thence east the Jordan, hard and devious tract, Where Galaad's range hangs threat'ning o'er Jaboc, On all sides round o'erhung with rugged crags,

Frowning on narrow defiles, dark and drear,


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