Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/162

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Adorn'd his brow and held the foe at bay. Whereat the Devil, wond'ring, inly wrought:

" What pow'r withholds me, potent heretofore, Now impotent ? To seize, and hold possess'd, Mine was erewhiles, with force to work my will On man ; to lead, mislead, and low before Me bow, or cringe, or fly distraught with fear, As for my purposes I fitliest deem'd. Thus Aaron, at the foot of Sanai, me Adored, whilst Moses talk'd with God atop ; An equal homage done, and equal shared, Though I, through native worth, the greater part Rather, obtain'd ; so as 'tis meet, who reign Monarch of earth and hell; he only 'of heav'n. So Saul me servilely adored on earth; His fav'rite Saul, whom I long time possess'd, And now award him his deserts in hell; Just mulct, my jealousy inflicts, on whom, E'en momently, durst own another Lord. What hosts of victims on my altars smoke, My power to deprecate, my wrath forefend, Or choice, proclivous turn'd tow'rds me their king, 'Twere boteless here to say. On all the race My mark indelibly is set; e'en so By him confess'd, in spite of all his plans. What then withholds me now ? .Is it goodness ? Virtue? Former Eve had both, and yet, she, From his to my dominion, easy fell, And Adam after her, lured by her charms. Afore this, drew I not with me, third part Of heavenly hosts, longer who disdain'd, With abject service to propend his throne;

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