Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/168

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And proved his power, must be well known to thee, E'en though that promised Prophet thou art not, Nor needs that I should time consume to tell. Much more for thee, if thou be as 'tis said, Should some great marvel interpose to save; And this from thee would set my doubt at rest. If thou be He, transform these stones to bread ; Thy stern necessities supply, nor wait, In vain expecting needful aid from heav'n, Which clear deserts thee in this last extreme." To whom our Vindicator firm replied : "And think'st thou then, that I should deem it worth To give thee proofs ? As well cast pearls to swine. Could proofs have moved thee, thou long since had'st From ill pervert, to some more worthy work ; [turn'd, Nay, thou had'st ne'er to ill been least inclined, But like the rest had'st stood confirm'd in good. Yet, error mid'st, proofs have not wanting been, For those, who seek to profit by their scope. But proofs are not thy wish, not needing tests Of what thou knowest now full well display'd ; Nor mere dexterity of sthenic skill, Brief show of power to useless end, and vain, Thy sole aim be'ing, by me to be obey'd, That I unwitting may be drawn to sin. One word will show how shallow thy device, And how inapt to serve thy bent. Hast thou Ne'er heard, man shall not live by bread alone ? This, he, by thee invoked to aid thy plea, Did fully illustrate, when, in the Mount, He fasted forty days, and talk'd with God. For further proof it was, he, forty years,

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